Well, it's cold and dreary, and washing my hands did NOT work. Except that now I have dry hands to go along with my cold.
Ay yi yi.
I came home quite quickly from the studio today, mostly because in addition to feeling awful, I could not stay warm.
Now however, on the couch with a cuppa hot tea, and Roy snuggling next to me, I am quite toasty, thanks.
I may do some knitting, but then again a nap sounds good.
Are you tingly with excitement, yet??
Going through old pictures, I found some shots off the back deck of my old home in the country.
Made me remember what I loved about it.
The wind was blowing the snow around. The lake is a hike through those woods. We used to snowshoe down there.
Doing my bucket list this past year, that is one thing I put at the top. I want to have a back yard that does not involve someone else's house, street lights, sirens just blocks away.
I want this. Again. Til the end.
This was my back yard. The sun set right over those trees. It was so peaceful, and so beautiful.
I am searching for that in my life.
Nothing about living "in town" can compare to that. No convenience, nothing.
This next picture was taken in reverse.......see my house, way over in the left corner?
It wasn't a fancy house, just an old country farm house, that used to be part of a bigger farm. I think it was the hired hand's house.
But it was home for 20 years.
I planted perennials for all of those years, and when I left, I cried.
It was like leaving my children. I haven't really gardened much since.
This is where "Crazy as a Loom" was born.....and this is my FIRST loom. No kidding.
A little Leclerc Mira, that I paid $100 for, and struggled to put together.
It didn't really fit my body, and I had to lean in to throw the shuttle. My legs were too long to really get under the loom. So I had a chronic shoulder blade pain for a year......DUH.....until I figured it out.
I am now very savvy about body mechanics and weaving.
And to quote an old friend......"don't do the same repetitive motion all day. Break it up. Weave a while, cut fabric a while, sew a while. Your body will thank you."
Finding out that life is precious, just makes it all more real.
I never really understood being "mindful", before.
Not like this.
I am sure that our recent national tragedy has done the same to everyone that has been touched by it, close up and farther away.
We are not born knowing.
It reminds me of what the Big Book says, the bible of AA. There is a reference made to those who, for whatever reason, will never get the program.
Well, there are those who will go through the motions of living their lives without really paying attention, without fully experiencing all of it, getting caught up in the muddle that is made up of what you think you SHOULD do, and not what is important, at all.
I don't want that.
I really, really don't.
I want this. So much more than a picture.
Don't you agree?
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