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The Big Bang Theory - Season 7, Episode 5 'The Workplace Proximity' [Recap + Review]

Oh dear. Major alert! In this episode of The Big Bang Theory we see Amy working in close proximity with Sheldon at Caltech. And by close we mean in a different department. But surprise surprise, something that at first didn't bother Sheldon, now bothers him. The episode starts with Amy and Sheldon having dinner at The Cheesecake Factory while Penny enjoys serving them up a dose of sarcasm. 

After Penny leaves, Amy announces that she will be working at Caltech for research studies and surprisingly, Sheldon seems thrilled. However, that quickly disappears as when Sheldon is back at his apartment hanging with the boys. They (especially Howard) tell him that its a terrible idea, and Howard begins to explain that he couldn't stand spending that much time with Bernadette. Poor choice of words Howard - not too mention a bad move. 

Fearing the worse for the future, Sheldon waltzes on over to Penny's apartment, where Penny, Amy & Bernadette are hanging out, talking about Amy's study into imagery and monkeys. Everything is going well until knock, knock, knock, Sheldon is here. He begins to tell Amy that he has withdrawn his permission for her to work at Caltech. Oh no he didn't! 

Amy is visibly enraged and then Sheldon cites what Howard said about working with Bernadette, causing the latter to stomp on over to Sheldon's apartment to berate Howard. Penny tells Sheldon he can't control Amy and what she does, or tell her what to do, and Amy states that she will be working at Caltech, but that she won't eat lunch with him, or see him any more than usual. Sheldon is sceptical, and asks Amy whether she's sure someone with her 'moth-like personality' will be able to keep away from him as he describes himself as a 'blazing fire.' Oh god, where do the writers come up with this stuff? 

Meanwhile, back at Sheldon's apartment, Bernadette is needless to say, furious at Howard. Howard being himself, digs an even bigger hole, causing Bernadette to say that he can find somewhere else to sleep tonight. So, naturally, Howard stays at Raj's. The next day at Caltech, Sheldon sees Amy sitting on another table with her colleagues and figures that the best thing to do would be to go bother her. 

After thoroughly embarrassing her at lunch, he later goes to her lab and insists she takes him home. She obviously refuses as she is busy testing monkey's reactions to images, and Sheldon reacts to them too - exactly like the monkey. The whole thing is just ridiculously hilarious. 

A while later back at Sheldon's apartment, Penny and Leonard are watching TV and Sheldon arrives back late and reveals he overslept on the bus and ended up in a dodgy Sri Lankan neighbourhood, and recalls his tales over someone trying to drum up business for their witch doctor services. The whole thing is ultimately bizarre and Penny and Leonard look bewildered. Sheldon reveals he has some mutton and coconut milk (even though he doesn't like lamb), that he apparently ordered when asking for directions. Penny and Leonard tell Sheldon what he said to Amy was wrong and that she is right, leaving him to go over in the middle of the night to apologise. Amy refutes his apology (which is more of a half-apology) and Amy shuts the door in his face. 

Back at Raj's apartment, Bernadette arrives and apologises for over reacting and they make up. That is until Howard refuses to come spend time with Bernadette as he is playing a game with Raj - Bernadette storms out. Later at a bar, Penny reassures Amy and Bernadette that she told Leonard to sort out Sheldon and Howard and that everything will be fine. However, it is revealed instead that Leonard goofed off with the boys and now they are firing lasers at balloons and making them explode instead. Classic. When will they ever learn? 

The episode was fairly comprehensive and featured a lot of classical quips and moments from the whole cast, with particular emphasis this episode on Amy and Sheldon - which was nice as we got to see how they react in different situations, and for Sheldon, it would appear he has only one setting - Sheldon. The next episode is entitled 'The Romance Resonance' so we can look forward to some loving undertones as Penny steps up her game with Leonard after 'Howard makes a romantic gesture to Bernadette.' Interesting. Meanwhile, it would appear something's bothering Sheldon as apparently a major breakthrough threatens to haunt him forever. 

Review and recap by Mel. 

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