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How Many Fall Mani's Is Too Much???

It's beginning to look like fall in our area!  The cooler nights have taken their toll on the trees and colour is starting to pop up here and there and if you're a nature lover like me, it's a great time to soak it all in! It's a long weekend here in Canada; a perfect time to go for long drives to take in the beautiful scenery,which I will be doing this weekend!

Speaking of fall, here's another quick post of fall leaves!  I'm really surprised how many different ways I've managed to do fall leaves but I did notice that I've been pretty much using the same stamping polishes for all them but it can't be help it, these Mdu's just lend themselves to use this time of year

Started with a base of two coats of Bee's Knees Greylings, no top coat.  Yes.  That shine is with no top coat!

Topped with a thin coat of Bee's Knees Whisper Darkness Between The Stars.  Love this look and am really loving all my recent layering!

Topped with a coat of KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Stamped using B. Loves Plates B.04 Leaves of Happiness using MdU 59, 66 and 106.

B. Loves Plates B.04 Leaves of Happiness

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.

Have a great weekend and hopefully a great long weekend too!  Safe travels if you're going to be out and about checking out all the fall has to offer!

Thanks for looking!

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