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Gentle Reader, snow has fallen in Cleveland, Ohio.  It took a while, but it finally arrived.  And so with snow on the ground, I got to shovel the driveway for the first time for Winter 2012 to 2013.  I'm not sure how long the snow will last, but I'm glad that global warming didn't end Winter for the state of Ohio.  Yes, I prefer twelve months of Summer, but I'd rather go to California for that to happen.  I'm perfectly fine with snow on the ground in Cleveland, Ohio if it will help preserve penguins and polar bears.  And the falling rain before the falling snow didn't result in a thin or thick sheet of ice.  There was more than enough time for the rain water to dry up before the snow started to fall.  And that also makes life easier.  Because nothing in worse than having to walk to work across a never ending sheet of ice (Though I have done so without problems). 
And as I'm lost in thought about the falling snow, here are some photos of rock star Joy Williams with some photos of her hanging out with her Civil Wars rock group sidekick John Paul White.


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