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Blogging 101: Make Your Own Blogger Blog

Hello Princesses!

Today I'm going to be showing you how to create your own blog on Blogger, and a quick tour around Blogger!

To create your own blogger blog, you will need a google account. If you want to be serious about your blog, it's best to create a blog email address, and then create your blogs google account through that email address. I really wish I did that, because my blog is linked to my university email address and I can't change it. -.-

The next step is to go the the blogger home page - www.blogger.com/start and log in with the google account you want to use. Mine obviously will look a little different because I have an existing blog and a lot of people that I follow, but you should still have a button that says "New Blog".

Clicking "New Blog" brings up this little box. Fill out your blog title details and pick a theme. You will be changing your blog theme later on, so the first "Simple" theme is fine for now!

Click "Create Blog" and your blog has been created! It looks super simple, but I'll show you how to make it pretty next week! ^.^
Back at your blogger home page - www.blogger.com/home - You'll be able to see a whole bunch of options have popped up! If you have more than one blog, they'll just stack on top of each other, which is really handy! Underneath your blog title, you'll see how many page views your blog has had, how many posts you've written and how many followers you have. You also have three buttons - the first orange button lets you create posts, the second white button takes you to your options and the third white button will take you to your blog!
 If you click onto your overview tab, it will shows you your top traffic sources, any news from blogger, comments, page views, posts and followers as well as some recommended reading. The next tab down is Labeled posts, and contains any published, scheduled or drafted posts.

 I haven't included any info on the Pages, Comments, Google + or Earnings because they're either self explanatory (Comments) or going to be explained in a later post!
The next important tab is the Stats tab. This is divided up into four sections, showing you the how many people viewed your posts and where they came from. It's totally fun (and somewhat stalky) to check out who is viewing your post, where they are in the world, what sort of computer they're using and on what browser.
The next two pages are showing you the layout format and template. Here you can customize where everything is on your blog and what it looks like. It's slightly complicated, so I'll show you in a separate post.
The last tab shows all of your settings. You can change who edits your blog, where your comments go, who can comment on your blog and customizable post templates.
The last place I'm going to show you is the "Create a post" section! It's really easy to navigate, but make sure you don't get stuck in the HTML tab because if you've never used HTML coding it'll probably look super strange and scary. 

Left to right on the top we have - Compose (your plain writing tab) HTML (your HTML coding tab) Undo and redo buttons, Fonts, Font Size, Format (heading, sub heading etc), Bold, Italic, Underlined, Strikethrough, Text Colour, Text Background Colour, Add or Remove a Link, Insert Picture, Insert Video, Insert Jump Break, Alignment, Numbered List, Bullet List, Quote, Remove Formatting, Spell Check. 
The right side links include Labes (sorts your posts into categories), Schedule (auto schedule posts automatically, or you can chose to post later), Permalink (creates your hyperlink for the post), Location, Options. My main blog also has Search Description in between the Location and Options so I'm not sure where this one is!

Now we've come to the end of the Blogger tour! I hope this was helpful for anyone wanting to create their blog on blogger, or just wanting to see what blogger looks like! Next week I'll show you how to do some simple coding so you can make your blog look super pretty! ^.^

Let me know in the comments below if you have any questions about blogging and I'll try my best to answer them!

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