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Channing Tatum & Jonah Hill Are Bromantic

Like two cuddly puppy dogs Channing Tatum & Jonah Hill are 'Bromantic' on the cover of Entertainement Weekly in our pick for best cover photo ever!

Heres some of what the boys had to say in the inside interview. 

JONAH HILL: [Laughs] We actually were on a plane ride from Mexico to New York one time with just the four of us on it. CHANNING TATUM: It was kinda strange. I was like, are we the cuter couple? If I wasn’t with my wife and Jonah had lady parts, I would probably ask him out. That’s really sweet.

HILL: If sex doesn’t come into play, I would definitely want Channing as my partner. TATUM: I like to call it cellmates, when you get along really good with somebody. Like, would we be able to work in an 8-by-5 space for a long time.

HILL: It’d be worse for him than it would be for me, because I complain constantly.

You shot the film’s Mexican spring-break scenes in Puerto Rico. What was that like?

HILL: It was great. Reggaeton is playing from every speaker that exists. You walk into any bar, restaurant, elementary school, and it’s like, “Boom-chi-boom-chi-boom-chi-boom-chi-huh!” I loved it, man.

TATUM: Everyone looks like they just stepped out of a CrossFit commercial. They’re all super fit. It looks like they haven’t eaten anything bad in their life.

HILL: I think the national wardrobe is jean shorts.

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