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Stromae : deemed 'racist', Stéphane Pauwels defended!

Gun on social networks after the singer Stromae qualified as "well integrated colored boy", Stéphane Pauwels today puts the record straight ...

Stromae deemed racist

The controversy continues to swell! Tuesday, October 15, Stéphane Pauwels has caused an outcry on social networks in the match Belgium-Wales. A few seconds after the passage of Stromae, came to sing at half-time in the middle of the King Baudouin stadium, the Belgian leader would have dropped the microphone: "This is a well-built boy super color". A comment that sparked a wave of outrage on the Internet: "Stéphane Pauwels, a poorly integrated redneck", "Pauwels, a white boy super disintegrated ..." or "How Stromae is not Belgian? We lied?"

Three days later, the debate is still relevant! On Twitter and Facebook, the presenter of 45 years wanted to speak: "The worst thing for me is having to justify myself that I'm not When I woke up this morning, I did not think at all that sentence would become so widespread. Critics should realize that throughout the show, I've only welcome this multicultural and talented generation ". Very angry, he also regrets "certain media" trying to "twist my words or about others, put them in my mouth to make me look like a racist." Recalling its commitment, he added: "It's offensive to me buzz that has always championed the cause"

Yesterday (Friday, October 18), a video was posted on the net to rectify the words that were actually required. In reality, Stéphane Pauwels is not the one through whom the controversy is truly arrived since not even uttered the famous phrase! Commenting on the end of the concert Stromae he has blurted out "This is the example of Belgium and of the Flemish national team bilingual, Francophone, colored boy. ..." Before being cut off by his partner Serge Vermeiren: "Great built ... And who succeeds and who gives a smile to the country!"

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