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Who'se Ready for Winter?

Enchanted Winter, that is!  I thought I'd take a break from all the recent yellow/orange hued manis to post something that didn't look like fall nails for a change of pace and came across from this mani.  Here's what I came up with!

Started with a base of two coats of Enchanted Winter, no top coat.

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Stamped using Painted Polish Stamped in Scales, Stamped in Saltwater and Stamped in Cinderelly.  Unfortunately, I didn't mark down the plate so will have to update it once I come across it.  Sorry!  I actually think this is a pretty cool image and was hoping to use it soon so I hope I can locate it soon!

Topped with a final coat of KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

 Thanks for looking!

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