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19 Year Anniversary of the Death of Jeffrey Dahmer! ,

So we have just passed the 19th anniversary of the murder of Jeffrey Dahmer, my ultimate serial killer fascination, yesterday, the 28th November.  

"In those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them."  - Revelation 9:6

I admit, to some my love of Dahmer may come across rather morbid, but I never actually mean it to be like that.  I am just utterly fascinated by just how far he was willing to go, just to not be left alone. I just find his story to be really sad.  Both for his victims, their families, his family, and Dahmer himself.  

I mean, just put yourself in his position....so desperate to not be on your own you try to create your own fucking zombies. The act of a sane man of course!  Dahmer was only caught after a potential victim got away and alerted the police to him.  By this point it was like he wanted to be caught.  Tracy Edwards, who was 32 at the time may have escaped his fate at the hands of Dahmer, but tragically he never received any counseling or anything to help him deal with the whole media circus that enveloped him the moment those policemen entered Dahmer's apartment.  

Edwards was sentenced in January 2012 after being involved in the death of a homeless man like himself, after he was pushed to his death off a bridge by a third homeless man.  Edwards was sentenced to one and a half years in prison, along with 2 years extended supervision.  One can only hope that this time in jail is theraputic for Edwards, who essentially still died that day he escaped Dahmer.  You can read my thoughts on how mortified I was to learn that Edwards received no post traumatic stress disorder therapy from the state of Wisconsin in a blog I wrote after his arrest.  One of my main points that I make, is one that X Files God Chris Carter made in the X Files Episode, Irresistible, which was based on Dahmer, featuring the character of Donnie Pfaster (pictured below), who later re-appeared in season 7 episode Orison. 

 "People wondered why it took them so long to catch this kid in Milwaukee. Thought someone should have noticed he was killing all those young boys. The truth is, no one ever believed it could happen." 

Now I have written about Dahmer a bunch of times in the past, including how he inspired Chris Carter to create the Donnie Pfaster character and was  his inspiration for Millennium.  Rather than regurgitate the same old feelings again, why not just link you to a bunch of stuff I've done before. :)  For a blog I wrote at the 20th anniversary of his capture, you can find it here.

You can also find some blogs based on the David Jacobsen film Dahmer, featuring my beloved (and totally future husband!!  HA!) Jeremy Renner playing Jeff, and just how much I freakin' LOVE LOVE LOVE that film and the soundtrack.    You can read a review I did for the movie over at my friend Monty Hawes site Hero Worship and another feature on how much I adore the ending of the movie, and feel it to be complete perfection here!

And in fact, I loved the soundtrack that much that after I discovered you couldn't buy it, I totally went all stalkypants on the lovely ladies that did the music, and when I bought their album This Side of North, they sent me the Dahmer OST free.  I then became friends with one of them, Christina Agamanolis, and in fact did an interview with her regarding her music and working on the film and stuff as part of my Women in Horror Recognition Month blogs.  So yes, please do take a moment to check out all this stuff, especially if you're as morbidly curious as I am.  And total Millennium loving X Philes.  :)

And last but not least, I would like to reiterate, I do not condone what Dahmer did, but I do find it utterly fascinating.  To quote the tagline from the David Jacobsen flick -

The Mind is a Place of its Own.

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