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It's all happening.

Here is Mrs. Collared Dove sitting on her little brood - I took this photo a week ago.

This morning this young one was sitting in the sun with the wind ruffling it's soft feathers having been sent off out to make room for it's younger sibling.   Mrs C.D. must have laid her two eggs at least a week apart as we caught a glimpse of the little one and it is so much smaller than the one above.

Last week the crab apple tree looked like this.
Today it is in full bloom.   I do love the little bright pink buds.

The Montana is almost fully out too and the bees are very happy, when they aren't being buffeted about by the strong breeze.   The bluetits are still busy gathering nesting material.  I think they must be building a block of flats - they've been at it for ages, and we have watched a huge blackbird fledgling being fed by it's dad.

More heartbreaking world events and all we have to moan about is the impending election.  How lucky we are in this country.

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