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Thank you everyone!!!!

 Thanks to all your comments and experiences I made a doctor's appointment!  I told them no rectal exam and no colonoscopy!  I draw the line...there are scans and x-rays they can do.  That didn't sound like anything that should be done anyway.  They could have gotten me in today but we are expecting an ice storm where "travel will be near impossible".  So, it's next Tuesday.  I do feel better but it is still there and now feels like a pulled muscle.  I am eating very bland foods and it has really killed my appetite.  I think I'm afraid to eat! LOL!  

I slept yesterday as I was tired from the storms keeping me up the night before.  I didn't get much done but today I need to because they are expecting power outages.

I found a new word game called Wordle.  I use the New York Times one and they give you the instructions.  It is only once a day so it not something you will spend a lot of time on.  It does get your neurons firing though!  I enjoy it and I hope you will too.

Happy Trails!!!

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