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Masterforce Sixknight

This is one of those occasions that the Japanese release blows the Hasbro one away. I had very little concern over whether I would get Quickswitch or not, and the first time I was offered Sixknight I passed on him. (a bad decision, it was dirt cheap lol) So when L offered me this one for a good price, I jumped on it.

Sixknight was a ninja that is a member of the Six Clan with Sixshot and Greatshot. He only knows force, but is intrigued by the Cybertron's nobility. 

In bot mode, people refer to him as bricky, but thanks to his transformation points, he has elbows, shoulders swivels, knees, hips, and even downward wrist tilts. Shape wise though, I would have to agree

His second mode is a drill tank. These seem pretty popular throughout G1. The colours on him just pop. I love the different shades of blue, the red accents, and that they even chromed his drill. 

His third mode was a hydrofoil boat, this seems to be what the figure is built around, maybe to separate it from Sixshot a bit?

His puma mode is pretty poseable, I like that they hid the back paws inside the shins and feet. kind of adds something to it. Unfortunately the wings sticking out from it's belly are kind of strange. I do like the gun tails though.

His fifth mode is a gun of some sort. 

Lastly, his Jet mode. I am actually kind of impressed with this mode, it's pretty decent. Apologies for the legs being rotated wrong, I'll fix it tomorrow if I remember.

Beside Quickswitch, you can tell why I prefer the colour scheme of Sixknight. But he's for another post later on. 

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