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Surprise #1 - Gallery of Hits

I'm a base card guy. I've said this many times. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy getting autographs, relics, and especially serially numbered cards. (which, I am aware, most people don't consider a hit...my website, my rules)

As I was working on uploading by Set to the Cardboard History Gallery, I secretly had created a section visible only to me where I was uploading all the serial numbered, autographed and relic cards to their own album. Unfortunately, the idea didn't occur to me until after I had finished the NBA- the largest portion of my collection- so I had to go back and do them later, at the end. That took me an entire day to do, luckily, it was a pretty easy process.

Now that I have finished, I've made it public. I suspect this section may end up getting the most views of all of the Cardboard History Gallery.

Click this link to see it. 

Click me to see larger! 
I wanted to take a screencap that showed three different topics, as it changes the image with each refresh. But when one of the most important cards I've ever pulled- Dale Jr.'s autograph- came up as the sample image, I had to stop and screencap it then.

Provided  I didn't miss anything- not a guarantee- it shows that I have 1136 autographs, 2264 relics, and 4816 serially numbered cards- you can tell I am addicted to them! I know there are a couple more that I lost the scans to in a the oft-referenced hard drive crash of 2016.

I also have at least one or two of each form of hit awaiting scans, too. I actually have more autographs and relics than I realized. I knew I was closing in on 5000 SN cards, at one point believing it possibly I would hit that mark in 2019. Since I've stopped buying cards for myself I no longer expect that...but I am sure it will happen someday.

My plan is to maintain it on a daily basis, in that, whenever I get a new auto, relic, or SN card, I will upload it then- not wait until the 1st of the month like I do with most of my uploads. In fact, I've already done one card in real time- the Omari Spellman pink parallel from Chronicles I documented a couple of posts back went into the album the day I scanned it, making it the first (and so far only) hit I've added to my collection since the album was created. More will come- as soon as I ship my COMC cart, for sure, but probably before then. As I've mentioned before, whenever I get some money in COMC, I usually sort by serially numbered, sometimes autograph or relic, and pick off as many cheap ones as I need until I run out of money. The lowest numbered card in the albums is 1 of 1, and the highest SN is one of 10 million. In 1991, that was considered a limited run.

One thing unusual about this section- one of only two sections where it appears- is that everything is all mixed together. Most everything else is separated by topic. Not here. All sports and non-sports are mixed together in one album. The only other place that happens on the website is the Alphabetical Directory.

Interestingly enough, the oldest card I have from each album- they are sorted chronologically in each album- is a NASCAR card. I suppose that's fitting, because even though I have more NBA than any other for all three special topics, the first I ever had came from NASCAR in all three cases.

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