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Explanation and Tag

Good Morning Bloggers!

I wanted to explain more in detail about yesterdays video. First off I'm glad you all enjoyed them but it seems I didn't explain it very well, not an uncommon problem, I call it Jen talk, my husband understands me along with my family but that's pretty much it. So here are the details...

1. If you chose to participate I'll email you and reveal the something vs. something (example: dragons vs. dinosaurs), I'll make sure to provide all the blog links who are participating so you can link it to your blog so everyone can see who's participating!
2. This is a battle between characters in the video, not between fellow bloggers. That was an idea but it was too complicated to figure out. So you create your own script with characters choosing sides, as always be creative and have fun with it.
3. The battle is between two characters you chose from xtranormal.com, I will link us all together
3. Sign up to xtranormal.com, if you've never signed up it's easy to just fill in the info an start making your video, you choose your own background, characters, everything. Now if you need help figuring it out as always email me and I'll help you!!

I hope I explained it a little better, if you're still confused let me know and I can go into more detail!!

Now onto the Tagging!

So I have been hoarding this Tag that TJ Carson gave me at the beginning of the week and since I haven't done it I thought today would be a great day to complete it!!!

So here is how the game is played. There are 5 questions and you must answer each question 5 times and then TAG 5 people to play. So here goes my 5...

Question 1: Where were you five years ago?
1) Watching Project Runway
2) Living in Des Moines, Iowa
3) Watching the snow disappear and the spring flowers bloom!
4) Looking into college.
5) Getting excited for the state fair!
Question 2: Where would you like to be five years from now?
1) Published.
2) Adopting children.
3) Owning a nice house.
4) Attending a few writing conferences.
5) Eating ice cream
Question 3: What is (was) your to-do list today?
1) Taking a shower and getting dressed.
2) Laundry.
3) Catching up on some blogs.
4) Going swimming.
5) Make some lunch and dinner (Oh it's still morning so some blueberry muffins as well!)
Question 4: What five snacks do you enjoy?
1) Chocolate chip cookies
2) Kazoozles
3) Sopapillas
4) Ice cream
5) apple turnovers
Question 5: What five things would you do if you were a billionaire?
1) Give an amazing christmas to local orphanages.
2) Having a house with a pool.
3) Traveling the world.
4) Owning a house in Montana (my husbands dream and I'd like to make sure it happens!)
5) Making time to visit all my family!

There you have it!!! I'll tag five of you later when I have time! Until then Happy Saturday!

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