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"G" is for Gwendolyn

I became a father 11 weeks ago and it has been quite a journey. It's been a magical, emotional, and trying experience...and it's just the beginning.

Her name is Gwendolyn, which my wife and I arrived on months ago from a five minute conversation. It was probably the easiest decision we've ever and will ever make. It was almost as easy as my decision to propose, but that's another story.

I wasn't around many kids earlier in my life, and definitely not babies. The only baby I remember holding before Gwendolyn was my sister when I was four years old. But after a few minutes of holding my daughter for the first time it just felt so natural.

She has such a firm grip and the bluest eyes, and now that she's learning to smile, she melts my heart. She's going to be deadly, my kryptonite. The dogs love to give her aggressive kisses, and one day they will be the best of friends. I'll talk later about the ghost Gwendolyn converses with. It's hilarious and creepy. She's grown so much in just a few months and I can't wait until we can do more together...the whole family.

It hasn't been easy and I've never been so tired, but I wouldn't change it for anything in the world...well, maybe...no, nothing. I don't get much time when I'm home to pursue the great dream, all this and my books at your fingertips, but I've never had the drive before that I have now. It's not just for me anymore; I want to pass something on. I want to provide for her the best I can. I want her to be proud of me. I want her to be happy and pursue her dreams.

The best gifts come in small packages. And thus far, my arms are thankful of that.

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