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The Aftermath

The Boxing Day gathering of fifteen bodies went very well. Note to self: do NOT make as much food for appetizers if I do this again. It was simply too much. I baked too much, I set out too much, there was just too much. I have frozen a lot of my baking, and there is still half a plate of cream cheese / hot pepper jelly in the fridge, and I just dumped the rest of the cut up fruit in the chicken run for the birds. They were appreciative. We managed to fit everyone into the kitchen to eat with the help of one of those collapsible plastic tables that I got on sale before Christmas. My sister and sister-in-law were invaluable at that "crunch" time when everything is coming out of the oven and being sliced and put in serving bowls...

Then I got sick. I am hacking and coughing and trying to breath and feeling a bit like the truck of Christmas hit me, backed up, ran over me again... It was inevitable. I had three colleagues on antibiotics for strep throat before Christmas and others who were just plain sick. I had students away in the last couple of weeks leading up to Christmas holidays. Regardless of the amount of hand washing and hand sanitizing, it really was inevitable.

I'm trying this product now. I'm not sure it's doing a whole lot, but at least I feel like I'm trying. I've already set up an appointment with my doctor (the soonest I could get in was Jan. 8th!) to deal with the sinus infection which this has already turned into and will continue to be. Yes, poor me.

The house continues to be decorated to the hilts. I am in no way, shape, or form to be dismantling Christmas and hauling out the Twelve Boxes of Christmas and trying to pack and put away. It shall remain this way until I feel up to it.

One of the highlights of the holidays, however, was receiving a package through the mail.

These gorgeous tea towels were sent to me by a fellow blogger! Joanne from Cuponthebus wove these and sent them to me! I was so excited to receive them and haven't even had a chance to send her a thank you card yet. My husband suggested I use them at Christmas, but I'm glad I didn't because they wouldn't have been on display for long, as we went through several tea towels, sopping up messes, anchoring cutting boards, or just becoming drenched too quickly. No fear that they won't get used however! The one thing I love about them is how soft they are, not stiff and non-absorbant like so many of the new ones.

Husband has another round of follow up appointments for M-I-L's eye (cataract surgery) tomorrow, late in the day in a 'nearby' town. I call these Dementia Days. We've kindly been invited by old friends to join them at their cottage for New Year's Eve (just a gentle get together, not a big party) that same day. I'm hoping I can pull myself together / drug myself up enough that I can enjoy myself. We're not big New Year's Eve revellers these days, usually just staying home or maybe getting together with friends.

I hope you are all well and have survived the Christmas rush. Here's to a happy, healthy, prosperous 2019!

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