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What is Today? Tuesday? Wednesday?

Okay – it’s Thursday.  I knew that just checking to make sure everyone else knows too.  However, these days I find I have a little trouble keeping up with the name of the day since, for me, they mostly are all the same.

May has really just zipped past.  Odd, since March and April seemed to crawl.  Guess I’m getting used to isolation (ugh). 

Summer is here in my part of Texas.  Temperatures in the 90’s with 80% humidity and the nights only cooling down to the 70’s.  Ugh.  Still, could be worse - this could be March with the same temperatures. 

I finally started a new project.  It has been on the list of “Things I Need to Do before I Die” for --- hummmmm --- 20-ish years.  Long years back, I decided to paint (young – I was really young) a lovely antique highboy dresser I got from my grandmother.  My two daughters were very little people and I planned to put it in their room which was painted blue and green.  So, I painted the dresser blue with green drawers.  And, after they were older and not in need of the dresser, I decided to strip the paint off and return it to its previous state. 

Okay, here's the thing -  I really don’t like to strip furniture.  It’s a mega-ton of work.  It’s messy.  It’s time consuming.  You have to have a good place to do it where cats and/or dogs won’t wander through all the gunky stuff.  You have to sand everything down.  Then, restain.  So, I got lazy.  I decided to try one of those shabby chic kits and painted it again.  Turned out AWFUL!  And, since that time, I have promised myself every year to strip it back to the wood. 

When the whole self-isolation thing became real, I decided to get the thing done.  Another reason I don’t enjoy stripping furniture is that you can’t trust what it says on the bottle.  The one I bought said, right on the container, in big letters – STRIPS 5 LAYERS OF PAINT AWAY IN 10 MINUTES! 

No.  Not in 10 minutes or 3 hours.  Ugh!  Not with serious application of strength and paint scraper.  Ugh!

Bought something else.  Painted it on, waited an hour and it worked pretty well.  The instructions said it would work overnight too, so, I painted on the stripper, covered it with plastic . . . and . . . . . off came the paint this morning, easy-peasy. 

Still have the main part of the dresser to do but I’m thinking it’ll be done by next week.  I’ll put up a picture of the ‘after’ later.

A good friend of mine (she lives in Austin) sent me a 'funny' the other day.  Seems the staff/owners of a local restaurant there have a sense of humor about the current state of the virus isolation -

Ok, that’s all I got.

21 May 2020

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