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Presenting, Agyness Deyn's apartment...it's not what you think it would look like....

 Agyness Deyn has put her home on the market - and in doing so has allowed us a view into the madness that is her home - or her former home at least!
 I'm surprised. I had it in my mind that she lived in somewhere with lots of band posters, an occasional indie boy and fag burns on the carpet! I just see her as rock...not so much pretty girl stuff which this apartment is bursting with...
 The apartment is being listed as 2.5 million right now and is smack bam in the middle of New York. So does this mean the girl is coming home? Its been rather dull without her! I did enjoy her spread in Vogue UK this month - okay, I promised I wouldn't mention Vogue again, but there you go I did!
 Dear Lord, is that a petal chair? really? On a printed carpet? I'm torn between thinking this is amazing and thinking its an affront to the eyes....

 Still it's a bit out of my price range - so I can't really complain. I am also not a critic on interior design clearly as I look around my room the most decorative thing in here is a flowery necklace I got for getting drunk on cosmos in Dignity bar one night.....
 Still though - good lord!

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