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Look what arrived today!

These are my ill-gotten gains from my recent online shopping spree.   I already have a 6"square Gelli plate but thought a small 3"x5" one would be useful.   Here it is sitting on a pack of deli paper, which I keep hearing about but have never found.   It is like a very superior greaseproof paper and takes ink and paint well, so I'm told.

I also stocked up on Khadi paper - a pack of A4 sheets and a little square book all ready for printing and stitching.

These are the recommended paints so I splurged on a set.

And rollers to apply the paint to the plate.

A little free pack of decorated papers came with the khadi paper book.

And finally some Manutex for thickening the paint for different print effects.
It will probably take me a couple of months to pluck up the courage to try it all out but when I have done something worth seeing I'll let you know.

In the meantime I am still drawing birds.   I think I have worked through about half of those on my list and I must get a move on in case they wont let me keep renewing the library book I am copying from.

I am absolutely exhausted today, having put Christmas back in the cupboard for another year. I'm not sure which is the more tiring - putting up the decorations or taking them all down.

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