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lots of different stuff...and a reminder that it is Memorial Day Weekend!

hello dear sweet friends - it has been another couple of absolutely gorgeous days at the Manor and we have much to catch up on!

first up - it is Memorial Day Weekend in the US. please take one tiny minute in silence and remember all of the POWs, all of the MIA's and all of the KIA's that served both of our countries in order that we can remain free. if you don't know what the acronyms mean - just ask in a comment.

i would like to direct your attention to a very serious post written by my Dear Friend Duke. he has seen it all first hand...he has been there...and been through it. a stronger patriot i have not met. please visit his post here and leave a comment in support of our rembrances and thanks. thank you.

jambaloney went fishing the other day and caught tonight's supper. normally the trout are small because they live in small rivers. he caught an ocean-run trout - these guys live in the ocean and the streams and because they eat so much shrimp and plankton, they get quite big and their flesh is soooo red. i can't wait to cook this baby up in a ton of butter - oh ya baby!

here is a pepper plant that i planted last year that didn't do anything. because he seemed to be hanging on so long in october, i planted him in a pot and brought him in for the winter. he held on. and then i put him on the plastic-enwrapped porch which is full of pollinators during the day and what do you know:

cha-lap-en-yo's baby. oh ya he is growing us some awesome jalapenos!

for your viewing pleasure, some beautiful pink flowers that can be found all over the yard.

and some pretty white daffodils.

and other little flowers growing in the grass. this might bore the heck out of you, but it's my blog and i looooove the flowers!

and introducing - dah-dah-dah - the very first Framboise Manor buttercup of 2012. take a bow, little buttercup!


 what has jambaloney been up to, you ask? good question. he's been out weed-whacking. i must admit that the yard was getting pretty overgrown. it's not all green yet but it soon will be. take a look at the beautiful blue of Strachan's Brook.

he always leaves a little bit of grass for the cats to play in - they love rolling around in the grass. i'll have a few tires of catnip set up for them soon.

aren't these beautiful?!?!?!? apple blossoms - so very pretty!

don't worry if your eyes tear up at this sight...it makes my eyes watery, too, and i am no softy. yes, you guessed correctly - it's the summer bedding out on the line. we'll put the bedding on the beds tomorrow and of course i will take pictures. no, please, stop thanking me...it's the least that i can do.

hmmmm....some old dishes that you aren't using. what to do? what to do?

why you glue them together with silicone caulking - of course!

i was getting tired of always doing "jobs" lately...and we have had a lot of jobs to get done around here. i wanted to do something fun that would fill my heart with glee.

jambaloney - i need some stakes, please.

teehee - this is a water bowl and bird feeder. this one is for jambaloney because i love him so much. yes, it is a little tilty - but i like tilty.

this is a special one that i made for my friend Helga. a better friend could not be found. i wanted her water/bird feeder to be pretty and special. i am glad that i found these pretty dishes to make this for her. i hope that she likes it....but i know that she will. she has my heart, she does...and she knows it. Helga, after i put this up - a ton of yellow finches went to check it out. i think this will become the yellow finches favourite place. i am glad. because when i think of a bird that could properly represent you - i think of yellow finches. which are actually called "gold" finches. which is so appropriate because you are like gold.

the champagne glass had to be for my crazy buddy Jimmy. he's the guy who took care of our place while we were still in the city - and he's the guy who lugged this farm equipment up in his truck and then painted it red. Jimmy - my champagne glass is yours buddy!

and this simple one is mine. it's near the pond and bench. i love my pond and i love my bench. and i love the simple bowl on the plate.

while i was working on the above projects - jambaloney set up 2 more hummingbird feeders. we are getting lots of hummingbirds so we have to make sure that they are properly fed. aren't they pretty?

here's the four hummingbird feeders set up so that we can view all of them from the kitchen window.

i sincerely hope that you all have a wonderful weekend. to all of my American friends, please enjoy the holiday weekend. and please take a few minutes to remember what the holiday is all about.

if you didn't catch my dear friend Duke's post yet, you can find it here.

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